The Rules Book 1: Abiding by Rules
A young girl who is recruited as an Abider's Hand then trained as an assassin by master mage-warrior Grenlich. Under the guidance of her teacher Selena becomes a skilled fighter, helping her mentor tackle undead monsters across the vast continent. Bound to follow through on the subtle suggestions from her Abider, Selena encounters a wide variety of people and situations on her journeys, her actions helping to shape the stability of her world. As she matures the young woman begins to question what it means to be part of such an intricate and controlled system.
A master assassin and magic-weilder this middle-aged man takes Selena on as an apprentice in compliance with her Abider's direction. As they travel details of the man's past illustrate how unhappiness awaits those who act against the Rules and that contentment can only be found in acceptance of its subtle but enormously powerful influence.
The Rules Book 2: A Minor Transgression
Anima meets this young man in battle on a rooftop against a blood-red sky. From that moment the two are engaged in a dangerous dance along the edge of Rules compliance, their relationship and activities weaving an interlocking tapestry of loyalty and violence. Determined to overthrow the system he views to be unjust, Daven has assembled a group of Rules and System resisters who take every opportunity to undermine the established society while searching for concrete proof that the Rules are not the only system that guarantee happiness.
A young girl who is recruited as an Abider's Hand then trained as an assassin by master mage-warrior Grenlich. Under the guidance of her teacher Selena becomes a skilled fighter, helping her mentor tackle undead monsters across the vast continent. Bound to follow through on the subtle suggestions from her Abider, Selena encounters a wide variety of people and situations on her journeys, her actions helping to shape the stability of her world. As she matures the young woman begins to question what it means to be part of such an intricate and controlled system.
A master assassin and magic-weilder this middle-aged man takes Selena on as an apprentice in compliance with her Abider's direction. As they travel details of the man's past illustrate how unhappiness awaits those who act against the Rules and that contentment can only be found in acceptance of its subtle but enormously powerful influence.
The Rules Book 2: A Minor Transgression
Anima meets this young man in battle on a rooftop against a blood-red sky. From that moment the two are engaged in a dangerous dance along the edge of Rules compliance, their relationship and activities weaving an interlocking tapestry of loyalty and violence. Determined to overthrow the system he views to be unjust, Daven has assembled a group of Rules and System resisters who take every opportunity to undermine the established society while searching for concrete proof that the Rules are not the only system that guarantee happiness.