Given who I am, I suspect that children will be part of my future. More establishment will, however, need to come before that next step in my life. The necessity of catering to my biological clock is really what forces me to contemplate this now, just as I'm beginning to build a writing platform. It's a bit frustrating that so much must be accomplished in this decade - post-secondary education, career launching and family foundation -, it feels like there simply isn't enough time to do my best at each of them.
Nevertheless, as I plan what my next few years might include I will continue writing and publishing, providing anyone interested with bi-monthly updates as to my current projects. Right now I am focusing mainly on the final section of 'United We Stand or Do We' (which might get re-named). This section will take the longest to finish because it must be written almost entirely from scratch whereas the others simply required heavy editing.
An example of a before and after heavy editing is below:
Before revision:
“Like you could do any better,” Bertran joined, ruffling Sheridan’s unruly hair.
Alvin and Aelfaed laughed good-naturedly. Luke stared at the flowing grasses around them, smiling at their happiness.
“You know, Siyawak hasn’t acted up in some time, either he’s decided to go on vacation or I’d say that we finally got his spirit under control.”
“Perhaps Luke, maybe he realizes he’s just no match for us.” Alvin stated referring to the wild spirit that resided in Luke. In the Spirit Realm each person was made up of many souls. Most of the time they melded quite well in their new body but if one spirit was restless they were capable of controlling their host’s consciousness and reeking havoc. The spirit could not settle unless the reason why they’d died in that unstable condition was fully understood. Alfa, the spirit that resided in Alvin, was one of the few types who were content to reside peacefully within the host until that time.
After revision:
“Like you are any better.” Bertran leapt sideways to worsen Sheridan’s already unruly hair.
Alvin and Aelfaed laughed good-naturedly. Their fifth companion smiled into the ground at the sounds of their happiness.
“Hey Luke?”
The oldest of the five looked up into Alvin’s earnest face.
“You know, Siyawak hasn’t acted up in some time. Either he’s decided to go on vacation or I’d say that we finally got him under control.” Alvin stated, referring to the wild spirit that resided in Luke. The twenty-one-year-old’s alter-ego was one of the malicious entities who enjoyed wreaking havoc instead of seeking their eternal rest. His had been one of those involved in the kidnapping and subsequent interrogation of Alvin. It was clear that this spirit, Siyawak, had also been involved in the ‘dark times’ but the exact details had yet to become clear.