Environmental Stewardship
My rural background established a love for the natural world which is integral to how I live my life. I am always trying to leave less of a footprint on this amazing planet. Although not always central to my stories, nature is fundamental to their backdrops. Call of the Black Panther is as much a cautionary tale of caring for your environment as it is one about fighting for its ownership. I am active within several environmental groups and run a Tumblr account where I share news relating this this cause: http://lifegoddessofearth.tumblr.com/ I also actively monitor the state of Canada's environmental reputation since it hasn't been too rosy over the past decade.
Big surprise, right? Slipping into minds and worlds outside of my own is such an amazing experience! Although my primary genre tends to be fantasy, I will read any book that sparks my fancy. My Goodreads account does not reflect all of the books I've read but I am attempting to gradually chronicle my literary experiences there: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/22119019-katarina-claire-e-r I also really enjoy book-movie adaptation analysis of which The Dom is a top-notch example. I highly recommend his videos which provide both insight and humour: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtiXdv7RoU8IkrJeNY73qw
In an age of inter-connectedness, it's easy to find others who share your love of a topic or story. Nostalgia is a state into which I often tread. Once I discover a new tale that inspires and excites me, I go searching for the communities that share my passion. Avatar The Last Airbender is one of the more recent additions to this category. It's detailed world, intriguing dilemmas and wonderful characters make it a rife playground for the imaginations of fans. One of the aspects I particularly enjoy about fandoms, is the ability to revisit and reshape a beloved world. Sometimes the fanworks spawned can even transcend (at least in some respects) the original.
Although Pokemon was the first fandom I was exposed to, the advent of Harry Potter was when I began taking a more active interest in that landscape. In particular, I was fascinated by the fluidity of the relationships the fan community played with. My favourite became Hermione/Severus (see this post from my old blog for more details).
More recently, I've become interested in the underground Disney fandom for femmeslash (lesbian) works. It's incredible to see how relatively simple stories can be transformed into analyses of gender and the complex dynamic of societal pressure while the characters attempt to navigate a historical drama with high adventure and romance. I even stepped into these churning waters by contributing my own fanfiction to the universe of Belle and Ariel in Land and Sea: A Belle and Ariel Fanfiction.
The final fandom I shall mention today is one for a little-known show called Space Cases. Aimed at teens, it was a fun, silly little that introduced me to sci-fi adventures (long before I'd seen Star Wars or Star Trek). Unlike the rest, my fandom interest incorporates nearly every part of the Space Cases universe, rather than just a segment or couple of characters. Still, if I had to choose a favourite character, it would have to be the android Thelma. Here is a nice little fanvid about the series: This is War
What fandoms do you like? What causes are you passionate about? Feel free to leave comments below. Cheers!
Below is an image from the Nov 29th Global Climate March courtesy of the Vancouver Sun.