Camp Nanowrimo is a child of the Nanowrimo held in November when authors are challenged to write a novel in a month. The Camps allow an author to choose their own word goal as well as participate in cabins where ideas and support are available. In my increasingly busy life, these structured writing events help me to continue making progress on new material. Usually I prioritize editing since working with established material is a bit easier to fit into a schedule. Having a writing goal does not always inspire the muse, but writing something is better than writing nothing at all.
The story I'm working on is United We Stand, or Do We. Although the bulk of the material was written in my high school days, portions of it must be completely rewritten if they are to be incorporated. The final section is in this situation as it suffered most from my lack of experience and contrived, teenage notions. I find it difficult to determine whether the content I create in Nanowrimo is any good yet cannot deny that it is at least a foundation on which to build.
United We Stand, or Do We will be one of my most challenging stories to bring to the world (even after I decide whether or not it needs a new title) since it is more of a social drama than what I'm used to writing. It is influenced by anime styles, lending it to a visual medium as much as a written one. Because of this, I suspect that it will make a public appearance much farther into the future than my more standard novels. Still, it is a story near and dear to my heart which I hope the world enjoys whenever, and however, it may be presented.