Whatever their origins, aspirations are an integral part of modern life. As technology increases their leisure time, humans seek fulfillment in a myriad of ways. Some, such as myself, pursue a fascination with the arts by reading, observing and writing. Others seek influence by increasing material and social power. Some establish a comfortable home and surround themselves with family to nurture. So long as aspirations are grounded in acknowledgment of the natural world's limitations and a positive moral center, no harm should come from pursuing them.
Determining what aspiration to go after is often the most challenging part. Aspirations that will truly provide fulfillment require understanding of the self and the determination to work through whatever obstacles may exist. When searching for personal meaning, individuals can succumb to persuasive rhetoric. This is when someone or a group convinces others that achieving their own goals is of mutual benefit. These types of challenges will become increasingly prevalent as more of the world modernizes and accepts technology.
As a species, humans still have many serious concerns that threaten the stability in which aspirations are possible. Climate change, atomic war, civil unrest and apathy are all threats that humanity must overcome if it is to continue existing, let alone evolving. Focusing on the self has merit yet the self is also inextricably connected to the whole of life. So, alongside those personal aspirations, consider how your goals can positively influence the larger reality. It's not easy, but worth the effort.