I have now determined that, since I want to ensure I put the best possible story into the world, it is necessary to have at least one other person give their opinion on the narrative. The feedback I've received from those who have graciously donated their time and expertise is invaluable so every story I publish will have undergone an external editing. I also recommend that, if an author wants to stick to any sort of publishing schedule, they pay the money to have a professional editor. Having not had one myself yet I can't speak to the quality compared to my literary friends but the predictability of timeline alone would be worth the investment.
The current person I have looking over 'Call of the Black Panther' should be able to finish their editing this month at which point I will submit the work for a Library of Congress number and hit the publish button at last. I am sincerely sorry for the set-backs but am consoled by the fact that it's unlikely anyone is really desperate for me to get a move-on. Once 'Panther' is out in the world, however, future books will be professionally edited to ensure I can meet my publishing deadlines.