Therefore, to kick off 2016, I have decided to offer those who subscribe to my newsletter a unique opportunity for a free copy of Call of the Black Panther. I will send you a free copy so long as you agree to review the book. The review should be posted on Call of the Black Panther's Goodreads, Amazon page or both.
The first three people to email me at here about this promotion will receive the signed print copies (please include your mailing address and who I should address the book to in my signature).
As an incentive for reviewing the book once you've received it, if you leave a review, I will send you a copy of my newest book when it is published (in late 2016). To ensure your review is recognised, email me when the review is posted. If you have any questions please reach out to me.
Here is a small passage of outtakes I'm working on for Call of the Black Panther:
The little girl seemed so fragile to him. Perhaps it was because he knew she couldn't transform. Despite their incredible intelligence, Humans were physically weak, unable to assume the noble shape of any more powerful animal. Beside him, Lotus was crouched in his cougar form, waiting for the girl's mother to approach. Arminius had never before seen the two females his Tribe talked about almost constantly. He'd been nervous and excited at the prospect. Now he couldn't imagine why he should have been.
The scene before him was entirely domestic – the girl was racing around the small clearing at the foot of the building's stairs, collecting stones and flowers which she brought to her watching mother. Stifling a yawn, Arminius let his gaze wander over the Human station once more. It was far more interesting...
Sandra Melina was buried beneath the willow on the western edge of the Cat Tribe's meadow. Burial seemed strange to a species whose deceased were usually consigned to nature through burning, but Alan had dictated that the woman's customs be applied. Arminius noticed very little about the event. His mind was full of what they'd discovered about the half-Human, half-Creature daughter this woman had left behind.
Jack had taken her to his home. There was word that he was taking a Raven Tribe mate at the fall Mating. Many Raven Tribe children were sure to come from the union. The part Human child would become a babysitter and domestic assistant in the house. When she was older, her father might then try to use her to gain information that would support his campaign.
Arminius had locked away all memories concerning the Human woman Sandra Melina. Her fellow Humans had been successfully driven from the island, allowing the Tribes some peace in which to plan and, hopefully, quell the threat that Jack represented. There was no doubt in Arminius' mind that his path would cross that of the mixed-breed female child. When or how were the only uncertainties in that respect. Until that day he would serve Alan and Tom faithfully in their quest to uphold his ancestor's way of life.