There is always trouble in the world, but of late there seems to be an increasing number of influences spelling disaster for our species and planet. One of the most concerning is the threat of global climate change. It's ominous presence is so vast and formidable that many people simply do not wish to acknowledge it. Others would suffer economic loss if the necessary actions to prevent it were undertaken so fight, with all the resources at their dispose, to disprove its legitimacy. As the weather around me shifts I can't help feeling disappointed and frustrated with the continued debate. Everything needs to be done to prevent this shift in our planet's environment – yet instead we see stories of people anticipating the economic benefits of longer growing seasons.
The other issue of primary concern to me is nuclear catastrophe. The fact that these weapons of mass destruction still exist is a testament to human arrogance and stupidity. Eliminating these mechanisms, which guarantee the end of biological life on this planet for centuries, should require no conversation. The risk for accidental use is too great to let even a single one remain – yet they persist because of pride and fear. Global politics are not simple matters to navigate, but everyone should be able to agree that mutual destruction is a result no one desires. It hung over the heads of those from my parent's generation as a real threat – where everyday could have been their last. Although it is not as widely discussed today, the threat is no less present.
I highlight these two concerns as the largest for me, but there are many others. As a species and as individuals, we should always be striving to improve ourselves. Perhaps the most important way to do so is to embody the world you want to live in. And speak out. Vocalising your beliefs and communicating your opinions and fears in a constructive manner is the only way change will ever occur. As a Canadian, I understand the desire to avoid conflict and go with the status quo. Yet no change comes from that.
Letting yourself become depressed by such large, multifaceted issues does not help to fix them, but nor should you ignore their weight. Take the time to acknowledge and feel the legitimacy of such issues, then work to address them. And enjoy life. Whatever happens tomorrow, you still have today to smile, change the world and watch a sunset. The quest to stay positive is an ever increasing incline, but climbing it makes you stronger.